
发布时间:2016-03-22 14:09 浏览次数:






电 话:0335-8048845

传 真:0335-8057908



2002.9~2006.6     河北科技大学,材料成型及控制工程,工学学士

2006.9~2009.7     河北工业大学,材料学专业,工学硕士

2009.9~2013.1      天津大学,材料学专业,工学博士

2013.1~至今          东北大学秦皇岛分校,新葡的京集团3512vip,讲师




[1]Q. Gao, C. Wang, F. Qu, Y. Wang, and Z. Qiao, Martensite transformation kinetics in 9Cr–1.7W–0.4Mo–Co ferritic steel,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 610(0), 322-330.(SCI)

[2]Qiuzhi Gao, Yongchang Liu, Xinjie Di, Zhizhong Dong, Zesheng Yan, The isochronal δ→ γ transformation of high Cr ferritic heat-resistant steel during cooling.Journal of Materials Science, 2011, 46(21): 6910-6915. (SCI)

[3]Qiuzhi Gao, Xinjie Di, Yongchang Liu, Zesheng Yan, Recovery and Recrystallization in Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel Weldments after Post-Weld Heat Treatment,International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2012, 93:69-74. (SCI).

[4]Qiuzhi Gao, Xinjie Di, Yongchang Liu, Liming Yu, Zesheng Yan, Athermal martensite transformation of modified high Cr ferritic heat-resistant steel undergoing different quenching temperature,Materials Research Innovations, 2012, 16(3): 198-203. (SCI)

[5]Qiuzhi Gao,Yongchang Liu, Xinjie Di, Liming Yu, Zesheng Yan, Martensite transformation features of modified high Cr ferritic heat-resistant steel upon continuous cooling.Journal of Materials Research, 2012, 27(21): 2779-2789 .(SCI)

[6]Qiuzhi Gao, Yongchang Liu, Xinjie Di, Liming Yu, Zesheng Yan, Influence of austenitization temperature on phase transformation features of high Cr ferritic heat-resistant steel,Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2013, 256: 148-152.(SCI)

[7]Q. Z. Gao,Y. C. Liu, X. J. Di, and L. M. Yu, Effect of Austenitization Temperature on Phase Transition Features of High Cr Ferritic Heat-Resistant Steel,Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 557, 175-181. (EI)

[8]高秋志, 刘永长, 汪应玲,叶杰, 焊后热处理对高 Cr 铁素体耐热钢焊接接头的影响, 材料热处理学报, 2014, 35(3), 91-96. (EI)

[9]高秋志, 张旦天, 刘家泳等, 高 Cr 铁素体耐热钢连续冷却相变行为,材料热处理学报, 2011, 32(9), 67-71. (EI)

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